TASC - Thalassaemia & Sickle Cell Health & Wellbeing
The TASC project was developed by Disability Action Haringey and Phasma Hypnosis, co-designed and co-produced with The Sickle Cell Warriors; funded in partnership with NHS Whittington Health & NHS North Middlesex University Hospital and Haringey Council.
The project delivered 120 complimentary therapy sessions for Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell patients across Haringey. The project delivered Phasma Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Life Coaching, Health & Nutrition Coaching, Thought Field Therapies and Emotional Freedom Technique sessions to support with pain reduction/management, anxiety, fatigue and depression; and to increase their quality of life.
Hypnotic & Holistic therapies have a proven track record as methods of drug-free pain control and also of psychological self-healing. Once taught, the participants are equipped with a fast and effective pain management system which can be utilised regularly or as and when needed.
The project also delivered a wellbeing lifestyle coaching service which focused on providing lifestyle and exercise recommendations. This incorporates provision of bespoke menus and supplement plans for each client, to compliment the programme with nutritional knowledge and advice.
Sessions were delivered as complete packages for patients, mixing therapies targeted to identified need, and on an ad hoc basis as and when needed most as a fast intervention for the client. Each service user completed an induction session in which they created a self-management plan with service provider support.